Monthly Archives: October 2013

Goatprints in the sand

We arrived in Escalante and spent our second day at Spooky, Peek-a-Boo, and Dry Fork canyons. Cuzco carried our lunch and water. He seems to be in his element when I put his pack on him. He stands perfectly still while I strap it on, then struts ahead when we’re ready to go. Usually he’s content to bring up the rear, but he somehow seems very proud and eager when he’s wearing that pack. It’s like he knows he’s important and even essential. I’m sad that he’s getting too old to hike like he used to. We had to take it easy in these canyons because he can’t really leap up boulders any more. We turned back in a few places because Cuzco couldn’t make it. There was also a place where Phil couldn’t make it, and another spot where I couldn’t make it, but we still saw quite a lot of the canyons, and everyone had a good time.

Goatprints in the sand…

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Eventually the slots got so narrow I had to remove Cuzco’s pack. Careful as he is, he could not squeeze through without scraping the panniers on the walls.

Another year, another goat vacation

Phil and I went back to Escalante, UT again in early October, and once again we brought goats. This time we brought Cuzco and the two babies. We figured it was a good way to wean babies and give mamas a chance to dry up. We started off in Goblin Valley again.
Goblin13_15 Goblin13_14

The fight for the water hole! Nubbin and Petunia were both certain that the mud puddle was yummier where the other one was drinking, and the minute one would go to a fresh spot, the other would join her and try to push her away. Cuzco remained above it all.

He knew that this poisonous-looking water required nothing less than the magical touch of a unicorn’s horn. Would a unigoat work just as well?

Nubbin tried to fly. I told her to flap her ears a bit harder.

Cuzco, on the other hand, finds it easier these days to work with gravity instead of against it.

Petunia found an armchair.

Phil decided it was big enough for two.

Nubbin eventually lost her head completely.

And we met Jar-Jar Binks.

The End.

P.S. We did NOT push any boulders over.