This was Tigerlily’s first time away from Mama, and she did great! She’s quite the little explorer!
The boys were behind me and kind of dawdling along and eating tasty things along the way, but Tigerlily was glued to Phil for the first half of this hike.

Keep rockin’ that double chin there, dude.
We came to a lovely rock outcropping with an incredible view of the eastern plains. We could even see our tiny speck of a house far below. The babies loved the view and kept giving me heart palpitations as they scampered as close as possible to the cliff edge.
Tigerlily was particularly bold. She must take after her daddy,Finn, and her grandmother Lilly.
“There’s nothing more relaxing than having pleasant conversation with a goat.” That is the line I used for a photo of Cuzco and I conversing on this very same rock eight years ago.