Recently I was interviewed about Galcon for a Swedish magazine. To my delight they made a portrait of me driving a goat.
The text says “Game review as well as interview with Phil Hassey and portrayed as a goat rider by Ushiri”.
Recently I was interviewed about Galcon for a Swedish magazine. To my delight they made a portrait of me driving a goat.
The text says “Game review as well as interview with Phil Hassey and portrayed as a goat rider by Ushiri”.
This past Saturday, Phil and I organized a group hike to the Saint Charles Arch, which lies between Rye and San Isabel. It’s an easy five-mile round trip and the arch is always a surprise the first time you see it. It’s an arch “which cannot be found except by those who already knows where it is.”
Among the group was Steve from Beulah who bought Max and Sgt. Pepper from me a year ago. He brought them along and I hardly recognized them! They’ve grown magnificently and look very healthy and happy.
My long-time friend Tiffany also joined us from Pueblo West, as did Jeff and Diana from Rye whose daughter Emma has been taking riding lessons from me this summer.
Steve’s goats needed a little persuasion to cross the creek.
The area beneath the arch was shady and full of good things for goats to eat.
And there it is! The Saint Charles Arch. It’s rare to see a granite arch this size.
We picnicked on the rock slide in the arch’s shade. This is one of Steve’s photos.
Buster Brown and I hung out together during lunch because he kept trying to share Emma’s sandwich.
Phil and Jeff climbed to the top of the arch.
Emma and Buster Brown formed an immediate bond and became inseparable throughout the hike. If Emma lagged behind, Buster stopped and waited for her. Once in a while, Buster would get nervous if the older goats got too far ahead, so he would trot a little and Emma would jog beside him with her hand on his back. Emma’s parents told us she would never have lasted the whole hike without Buster Brown to keep her company.
It was just a little further down this hill that Buster got a few feet ahead of Emma and she slipped. Buster turned around quickly and said, “Baaa!” with a worried look on his face. They could not have been a sweeter pair.
The hike out of the canyon was hot and largely uphill, so Finn gave Emma a lift for probably close to a mile.
With the way her hair is blowing back, you’d think Emma and Finn were in a race! Emma later asked her mom if she could start taking goatback riding lessons!
Finn stuck his head over the side and flapped his ears in the breeze on the ride home.
We created lots of fun memories on Saturday, but this is the one I love best.
On August 12th, Yeti and Thor went to their new home in Cheyenne, WY. They went to a lovely family that will be training them as packgoats and I know they will be very happy and well cared-for. But we will certainly miss them nonetheless. Phil and I took them on a final walk the day before and made sure to get lots of pictures.
Yeti is always front and center for attention or for the camera.
Yes, I think the boys were ready to grow up. They were 75 lbs. each and were starting to look almost as big as their mom!
I’ve often had trouble telling Yeti and Snowball apart at a distance (although the horns usually gave Yeti away pretty quick!). I won’t have to look twice to see who’s sneaking up on me any more.
Yeti and Thor pose regally while Brownie and Cupcake cavort in the background.
Yeti–not quite so photogenic, but what he lacks in looks he makes up for in charisma.
And then we have Finn–Supreme Champion of both the photogenic and charismatic categories. Finn had some really big boots to fill when he took over from Cuzco, and it’s taken him a while to really live up to the task, but I think he’s succeeding.
Brownie and Cupcake are always competing for the “friendliest kid” award.
Maybe a pretty girl named Rita.
Mocha is probably the liveliest and most curious kid this year. But at the same time she’s as sweet and gentle as a little fawn.
These ladies are much too mature for such antics! Grown-up goats march in an orderly, dignified fashion!
Snowball and I share a moment.
A quiet moment to remember Cuzco.
And we finish off with a couple of pictures of lovely, contemplative Thor. We’ll sure miss these guys, but we’re thrilled they’ve found a wonderful home where they will be loved and appreciated.
Phil and I were enjoying a rest on the back porch swings when Finn heard us talking and asked to join the party. I opened the back gate and he trotted up the porch steps, reminding me so much of Cuzco, who loved to hang out with us on the porch at every opportunity.
My Aunt Jana gave us a bag of jellybeans and I unwisely offered one to Finn. He was insatiable after that! I gave a handful to Phil, but Finn wheedled most of them away for himself. He begged most of mine off me as well and even persuaded Phil to go in the house and bring him another handful. Greedy goat!
Finn’s back makes a good footrest.
But as usual, Finn would prefer to be loved than to be useful.
He also mugs for the camera. Unlike Cuzco, who would stand at an appropriately noble distance to be photographed at his best angles, Finn gets right in there and shoves his face into the lens.
Finn and Sputnik’s cart pulling services were recently requested for a local family reunion followed immediately by the Beulah Arts & Crafts Fair. So the boys got a bath and Sputnik, as usual, was thrilled. Baths are one of his favorite things.
“A little more to the left. Ahhh… that’s the spot!”
Often he flaps his lips and slurps at the spray when I aim the water at his nose.
Finn does not like baths, and he was a bit sulky about having to do work that day. He was tired and laid down in the trailer on the way home while Sputnik enjoyed the hay bag and scattered his snack all over Finn’s back.