I hope you are doing well today! For this week’s stream I’ve got some classic Cuzco moments from 2008 to share with you! See Cuzco eat things & defend his honor against a small cat!
Hope to see you there!
I hope you are doing well today! For this week’s stream I’ve got some classic Cuzco moments from 2008 to share with you! See Cuzco eat things & defend his honor against a small cat!
Hope to see you there!
Some fun fiddle tunes coming your way today! Hope to see you there!
This week I’m going all the way back to 2011, when we only had one goat: Cuzco The Goat! I’ve also got a special guest this week, Kimberly Hope, my violin teacher. We’ll be playing a duet of an Irish waltz for you!
Hope to see you there!
This week I’ve got a couple videos of Nibbles! She was our first doe, and I might have a few stories to tell about her! (Remind me!)
Catch you there!
When I got her she was an ethereal beauty and so I named her “Stardust”.
Turns out she is more “earthy” than ethereal so now I call her “Dusty”.
Also, she’s half Arabian, half Paint Horse. The first photo is of the Arabian half and the second photo is of the Paint Horse half.
In other news, our Christmas tree was demolished in short order. The goats thoroughly enjoyed every bite. This is what it looked like a day or so after we gave it to them:
Believe it or not, it is even MORE bare now!