It’s been a while since I’ve paid much attention to this blog. My apologies. I’ve lazily allowed Phil to take it over with links to his livestreams, which are wonderful but they don’t tell the stories. At some point I may go back and fill in all the blanks over the last couple of years, but we’ll see.
Does anyone remember my costume from the ’80’s party back in February 2020? I’ve been waiting impatiently to resurrect it with a goat in tow and last night I finally got the chance! I went as Jareth the Goblin King from the movie Labyrinth and I dressed Maya up as Toby.

The reference:

I’m a big pudgy and the outfit is form-fitting without layers, but I bundled up underneath and was popping at the seams. Nevermind. I stayed warm enough with all those long johns and undershirts! A lot of folks don’t get the reference these days but the ones who did thought it was the best costume there. Maya, of course, stole the show. My favorite was when kids would come over to get candy, see Maya, and immediately forget all about trick-or-treat because they wanted to pet the baby goat. Maya was awesome. She was completely chill all evening and let everyone pet her. She wasn’t afraid of any of the costumes – not even dinosaurs, werewolves, or jellyfish. A few folks came up to introduce their dogs to her despite my telling them please not to. She never once startled or backed away from any of the be-costumed dogs. She was amazing!
Phil went as a pirate and froze to death without his long johns and gloves:

And here was our truck setup. I think it came out rather well this year! We had less than one hour to carve all these pumpkins after Phil got off work. I think they came out rather well!