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I saw two does advertised on Craigslist for a price I couldn’t ignore. We went to go see them and we fell in love. Meet Jezebel and Delilah! (Please, girls, DO NOT live up to those names–you’re  better than that!)J:D_8:15:14.1

They’re a little on the skinny side at the moment, but I’m sure we’ll have them fattened up in no time! J:D_8:15:14.2

These two are afraid to go in their little igloos, but Delilah has no qualms about chewing the tops off. Del_8:15:14.3

Phil bonds with his two new girls. They’re quite shy at the moment–nothing a little attention and food bribery won’t fix. J:D_8:15:14.4

Phil was not convinced that we needed more goats, and as we were on our way out to look at them he asked me, “So… what’s so great about these two goats that you think we should go see them?”

I gabbled a bit about their price, their color, their breeding, etc. It wasn’t leaving an impression. And then I mentioned the wattles. “Both goats have wattles,” I said.

“NOW you’ve got me excited!” Phil replied. These are now officially our first goats with jewelry.  Wattles_8:15:14.2

And I love Delilah’s little pointy tongue. She’s shy as can be but she’s also insatiably curious. It’s fun to watch her two conflicting personality traits wage war every time we come into the pen. Del_8:15:14.5

An outing with Snickers

Snickers went for his first “solo” hike today, and I gotta say, this little guy is just as much a “natural” as Finn! I left Sputnik home because he was such a noisy little worry-wart when Phil and I took the two of them hiking with us other day. I thought Snickers might be upset without his brother, but that wasn’t the case at all. He seemed calmer without Sputnik there to work him up.

Snickers really latched onto the friend I was hiking with and stayed right next to her most of the time.

My friend brought a Nigerian Dwarf baby with us as well. What a cutie!

Snickers is just getting prettier and prettier!

“These shoes smell interesting…”


“This stuff looks pretty wet to me.”

A Hike to the Arch

Yesterday we hiked to the arch and Pac-Man was generous enough to carry our water bottles and some empty containers in case we found raspberries to pick.8:7:14_Hike.1


Our friend Jordan also came with us. She brought her Nigerian Dwarf, Hollister, along as a hiking companion. 8:7:14_Hike.3

Phil and Pac-Man share a bonding moment. 8:7:14_Hike.4

I didn’t get any photos of the arch, and we didn’t find too many raspberries, but I had a very good view for most of the hike. 8:7:14_Hike.5

Pac-Man Pulls His Weight

Pac-Man is at the size and age where I think it’s time he learned to do a little work, so I hitched him to the cart yesterday for our walk. He did not like it at first, and I can’t say he was very cooperative since he kept running over my my feet and bashing my legs with the shafts, but he’s a natural at driving. For the sake of self-preservation, I gave up trying to lead him and let him stay out in front instead, which is what he seemed to prefer. Pac-Man_Cart1

Pac-Man led the charge for most of the walk, which is a rare and wonderful thing if your’e teaching a goat to drive. Most goats prefer to follow and it is therefore difficult to train them to walk out ahead when pulling a cart. I think in Pac-Man’s case I may have the rare privilege of teaching a goat to drive before I teach him to lead with a cart. Pac-Man_Cart3

Homeward bound. Pac-Man_Cart2

Phil Hassey: Lion Tamer

At least, that’s what it looks like when he’s out wrangling goats. Especially this goat: 7:13:14.2 7:13:24.3

Phil makes sure he’s prepared. He carries a goat training utility belt these days. It has a a loaded water pistol for fending off the mobbing hoards, and it has a pouch full of cookies for rewarding good behavior.  7:13:14.4

You just can’t take any chances with this crowd! 7:13:14.1 

Finn’s First

It looks like Finn is going to be an awesome hiking companion. This was his first day out on the trail and he had the time of his life! I’ve never seen such a happy goat.    

He cried during the ride in the truck (Pac-Man didn’t help–he cried just as much, the big sissy), but once we got on the trail, Finn turned into a bouncing ball of glee. He’s got every bit of his mother’s spunk and athleticism (we call Lilly our ninja goat). There are loads of cliffs, boulders, and giant logs on this trail, so Finn spent the entire time bouncing circles around us as he leaped from one launching pad to another, sometimes far above our heads. I worried that he’d pull a Nibbles and get stuck, but he’s quite the brave little leaper and he never let the heights get to him.

It’s hard to tell from just two photos, but this was a complicated and rather risky maneuver…

…performed at a great height.

Pac-Man is learning to be somewhat more athletic. He had to cross logs, he had to climb over boulders, and he even had to jump a few ledges. He would have gone around if he could, but sometimes there was water to avoid, and leaping is almost always superior to getting one’s toes wet. There were a few places where the creek overflowed the trail and only the nimblest climber could scale the cliffs to get around, and for the first few of those I had to physically drag Pac-Man into the water (with much crying and protesting). But by about the third or fourth one, he came with only a small tug on the rope, and on the way home I was able to unleash him. He waited until we were out of sight before he could work up the courage, but he still did it by himself. I was very proud of him.     

Finn is still working on water crossings.

Although he prefers not to get his feet wet, Finn does not share Pac-Man’s extreme hydrophobia.

It’s cookie time!

Storming the Castle

We’ve had a lot of fun playing with our goats on the Cuzcotopia Tower! 7:14_Tower.1

Nubbin shares a patriotic moment with Phil at the flagpole. 7:14_Tower27:14_Tower4

We’re not sure if Petunia is laughing or is just bored. 7:14_Tower57:14_Tower6

Two little cuties.7:14_Tower7

To supplement her income, this ingenuous mother of two uses her unusual, soaring ears to install a toll bridge. 7:14_Tower8

Pac-Man is afraid of heights–the only goat I’ve ever heard of that is afraid of heights! This is as far as I could tempt him to go. 7:14_Tower9

Lilly takes a moment to salute the flag. 7:14_Tower10

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

After he stormed the tractor and was taken captive, Finn defected to our side.  Finn_Tractor7

As a trustworthy ally, Phil showed Finn all the controls and gauges so he could operate the machine. Finn_Tractor1

Finn  learns how the steering wheel works. Finn_Tractor2

Unfortunately, he doesn’t seem to have figured out which direction he should be looking. Finn_Tractor3

After his failed attempt at driving the tractor, Finn decided to downgrade to a simpler vehicle. This one doesn’t need to be steered. It just goes forward and back. Very easy. Please don’t run over Pac-Man! Finn_Circus