May 29, 2019 was me and Phil’s 20th wedding anniversary. I can’t believe it’s been two decades! Phil and I have officially been married for more than half our lives now. We were reflecting on this upcoming momentous occasion back in March and wondering how we might celebrate when we decided to look up whether the 20th anniversary had any special designation. It does! How many people know that the 20th anniversary is also known as the “China Anniversary”? Phil and I have had lots of theme parties over the years, but never a Chinese party! And to top it off, 2019 is the Year of the Pig!! Bring it on!!!
We borrowed an extra-large pig roaster from the church and enlisted the help of some local friends to supply and prepare the pig.
We reserved a large pavilion in one of the local parks and decked it out.
Then we donned our Chinese garb.
I even wore (very badly done) makeup for the occasion. Remind me never to try this again!
And invited all the friends and relatives. Phil’s parents flew in from Massachusetts. Phil’s mom shunned the Chinese garb in favor of the Hawaiian clothes she wore for our first wedding celebration.
Phil’s Aunt Marianne and Uncle Steve came from Arizona wearing their Mandarin best.
Keep rockin’ that fu manchu, Steve!
Ah, sisters… Lois to Marianne: “Marianne, what did you do??”
Phil rang the gong and it was party time!
My parents enjoyed the cream cheese won ton appetizers.
And then it was time to bring on THE PIG!!!
Do not be fooled by the blackened appearance (it was a black pig)–this critter was absolutely DELICIOUS! Many thanks to Brian and Janette Hastings for supplying, butchering, and roasting the hog. This pork was amazing!!
My dear friend Tiffany was the Maid of Honor at our wedding 20 years ago. On this day, she and her mother Marian were kind enough to bring all the Chinese food from Kan’s Kitchen in Pueblo.
The cake was incredible. And it even tasted as good as it looked!
There were many fun costumes on display.
And after the feast, the festivities began!
Phil’s dad is an expert piñata handler, having practiced extensively for our wedding feast 20 years ago. He has not lost his touch.
…but everyone got a whack at it.
And no one went home empty-handed.
After the party, the family and out-of-town friends were invited up to our house for some extra fun, which largely involved holding baby goats.